Journal Articles
Calibration of the TFTR lost
Alpha diagnostic,
R. L. Boivin, Z. Lin, A. L. Roquemore, S. J. Zweben, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63,
4418 (1992).
Gyrokinetic particle simulation
of neoclassical transport, Z. Lin, W. M. Tang, and W. W. Lee, Phys. Plasmas 2, 2975 (1995).
Method for solving the
gyrokinetic Poisson equation in general geometry, Z. Lin and W. W.
Lee, Phys.Rev. E 52, 5646 (1995).
Review of D-T results from
R. J. Hawryluk, C. W. Barnes, S. Batha, M. A. Beer, M. G. Bell, R. Bell, H.
Berk, M. Bitter, N. L. Bretz, R. Budny, C. E. Bush, S. Cauffman, C. S. Chang,
Z. Chang, C. Z. Cheng, D. S. Darrow, R. Dendy, W. Dorland, L. Dudek, H. Duong,
R. Durst, P. C. Efthimion, H. Evenson, N. Fisch, R. Fisher, R. J. Fonck, C.
Forrest, E. Fredrickson, G. Y. Fu, H. P. Furth, N. Gorelenkov, B. Grek, L. R.
Grisham, G. Hammett, W. Heidbrink, H. W. Herrmann, M. Herrmann, K. W. Hill, B.
Hooper, J. Hosea, W. A. Houlberg, M. Hughes, D. L. Jassby, F. C. Jobes, D. W.
Johnson, R. Kaita, J. Kamperschroer, J. Kesner, A. Krazilnikov, H. Kugel, A.
Kumar, P. H. LaMarche, B. LeBlanc, J. Levine, F. M. Levinton, Z. Lin, J.
Machuzak, R. Majeski, D. K. Mansfield, E. Mazucato, M. Mauel, J. McChesney, K.
M. McGuire, G. McKee, D. M. Meade, S. S. Medley, D. R. Mikkelsen, S. V. Mirnov,
D. Mueller, G. Navratil, R. Nazikian, B. Nevins, M. Okabayashi, M. Osakabe, D.
K. Owens, H. Park, W. Park, S. F. Paul, M. Petrov, C. Kieras-Phillips, M.
Phillips, P. Phillips, A. Ramsey, M. H. Redi, G. Rewoldt, B. Rice, J. Rogers,
A. L. Roquemore, E. Ruskov, S. A. Sabbagh, M. Sasao, G. Schilling, G. L.
Schmidt, S. D. Scott, I. Semenov, C. H. Skinner, D. Spong, J. D. Strachan, E.
J. Strait, B. C. Stratton, E. Synakowski, H. Takahashi, W. M. Tang, G. Taylor,
S. von Goeler, A. von Halle, R. B. White, M. D. Williams, J. R. Wilson, K. L.
Wong, G. A. Wurden, K. M. Young, M. C. Zarnstorff, and S. J. Zweben, Fusion Technology 30, 648 (1996).
Neoclassical transport in
enhanced confinement toroidal plasmas, Z. Lin, W. M. Tang, and W. W.
Lee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 456 (1997).
Large orbit neoclassical
Z. Lin, W. M. Tang, and W. W. Lee, Phys.
Plasmas 4, 1707 (1997).
Sheared rotation effects on
kinetic stability in enhanced confinement tokamak plasmas, and nonlinear
dynamics of fluctuations and flows in axisymmetric plasmas, G. Rewoldt, M.
A. Beer, M. S. Chance, T. S. Hahm, Z. Lin, and W. M. Tang, Phys. Plasmas 5, 1815
Turbulent Transport Reduction by
Zonal Flows: Massively Parallel Simulations, Z. Lin, T. S.
Hahm, W. W. Lee, W. M. Tang, and R. B. White, Science 281, 1835
of turbulence by zonal flows, T. S. Hahm, Z. Lin, W. W. Lee, W.
M. Tang, Theory of Fusion Plasmas 18, 443 (1999).
Shearing rate of
time-dependent E X B flow, T. S. Hahm, M. A. Beer, Z. Lin, G. W.
Hammett, W. W. Lee, and W. M. Tang, Phys.
Plasmas 6, 922 (1999).
Effects of Collisional Zonal
Flow Damping on Turbulent Transport, Z. Lin, T. S. Hahm, W. W. Lee, W. M.
Tang, and P. H. Diamond, Phys. Rev. Lett.
83, 3645 (1999).
Physics Design of a High
beta Quasi-Axisymmetric Stellarator, A. Reiman, G. Fu, S. Hirshman, L. Ku, D.
Monticello, H. Mynick, M. Redi, D. Spong, M. Zarnstorff, B. Blackwell, A.
Boozer, A. Brooks, W. A. Cooper, M. Drevlak, R. Goldston, J. Harris, M. Isaev,
C. Kessel, Z. Lin, J. F. Lyon, P. Merkel, M. Mikhailov, W. Miner, N. Nakajima,
G. Neilson, C. Nuehrenberg, M. Okamoto, N. Pomphrey, W. Reiersen, R. Sanchez,
J. Schmidt, A. Subbotin, P. Valanju, K. Y. Watanabe, and R. White, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 41, B273 (1999).
Sheared-Flow Modes in
Toroidal Geometry,
J. L. V. Lewandowski, Z. Lin, W. W. Lee, and T. S. Hahm, Phys. Plasmas 7, 588
Numerical and Theoretical
Studies of Turbulence and Transport with E X B Shear Flows, Z. Lin, M. S.
Chance, T. S. Hahm, J. A. Krommes, W. W. Lee, I. Manuilskiy, H. E. Mynick, H.
Qin, G. Rewoldt, W. M. Tang, and R. B. White, Nuclear Fusion 40, 737
Physics Issues in the
Design of High-Beta, Low-Aspect-Ratio Stellarator Experiments, G. H. Neilson,
A. H. Reiman, M. C. Zarnstorff, A. Brooks, G.-Y. Fu, R. J. Goldston, L.-P. Ku,
Z. Lin, R. Majeski, D. A. Monticello, H. Mynick, N. Pomphrey, M. H. Redi, W. T.
Reiersen, J. A. Schmidt, S. P. Hirshman, J. F. Lyon, L. A. Berry, B. E. Nelson,
R. Sanchez, D. A. Spong, A. H. Boozer, W. H. Miner, Jr., P. M. Valanju, W. A.
Cooper, M. Drevlak, P. Merkel, and C. Nuehrenberg, Phys. Plasmas 7, 1911
Gyrokinetic Simulations in
General Geometry and Applications to Collisional Damping of Zonal Flows, Z. Lin, T. S.
Hahm, W. W. Lee, W. M. Tang, and R. B. White, Phys. Plasmas 7, 1857
Zonal Flow Measurements
Concept I,
T. S. Hahm, K. H. Burrel, Z. Lin, R. Nazikian, and E. J. Synakowski, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 41, A205 (2000).
Excitation of zonal flow by
drift waves in toroidal plasmas, Liu Chen, Zhihong Lin, and Roscoe White,
Phys. Plasmas 7, 3129 (2000).
Recent Advances in the
Design of Quasi-Axisymmetric Stellarator Plasma Configurations, A. Reiman, L.
Ku, D. Monticello, S. Hirshman, S. Hudson, C. Kessel, E. Lazarus, D. Mikkelsen,
M. C. Zarnstorff, L. A. Berry, A. Boozer, A. Brooks, W. A. Cooper, M. Drevlak,
E. Fredrickson, G. Fu, R. Goldston, R. Hatcher, W. Houlberg, M. Isaev, C. Jun, J.
Lewandowski, Z. Lin, J. Lyon, P. Merkel, M. Mikhailov, W. Miner, H. Mynick, G.
Neilson, B. E. Nelson, C. Nuehrenberg, N. Pomphrey, M. Redi, W. Reiersen, P.
Rutherford, R. Sanchez, J. Schmidt, D. Spong, D. Strickler, A. Subbotin, P.
Valanju, and R. B. White, Phys. Plasmas
8, 2083 (2001).
A Fluid-Kinetic Hybrid Electron
Model for Electromagnetic Simulations, Zhihong Lin and Liu Chen, Phys. Plasmas 8, 1447 (2001).
Calculations of the Neoclassical Radial Electric Field in Stellarator Plasmas, J. L. V.
Lewandowski, A. H. Boozer, J. Williams and Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas 8, 2849
Non-linear Zonal Flow Dynamics
of Drift and Drift-Alfven Turbulences in Tokamak Plasmas, L. Chen, Z. Lin,
R. B. White and F. Zonca, Nuclear Fusion
41, 747 (2001).
Secondary Instability in
Drift Wave Turbulence as a Mechanism for Zonal Flow and Avalanche Formation, P. H. Diamond,
S. Champeaux, M. Malkov, A. Das, I. Gruzinov, M. N. Rosenbluth, C. Holland, B.
Wecht, A. Smolyakov, F. L. Hinton, Z. Lin, T. S. Hahm, Nuclear Fusion 41, 1067
Shear-Alfven Waves in
Gyrokinetic Plasmas, W. W. Lee, J. L. V. Lewandowski, T. S. Hahm, and Z.
Lin, Phys. Plasmas 8, 4435 (2001).
On Resonant Heating Below the Cyclotron Frequency, Liu Chen,
Zhihong Lin, and Roscoe B. White, Phys.
Plasmas 8, 4713 (2001).
Resonant Plasma Heating Below the Cyclotron Frequency, Roscoe B. White,
Liu Chen, and Zhihong Lin, Phys. Plasmas
9, 1890 (2002).
Size Scaling of Turbulent
Transport in Magnetically Confined Plasmas, Z. Lin, T. S.
Hahm, S. Ethier, and W. M. Tang, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 88, 195004 (2002).
Turbulence Spreading and
Transport Scaling in Global Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation, Z. Lin and T. S.
Hahm, Phys. Plasmas 11, 1099 (2004).
Turbulence Spreading into
Linearly Stable Zone and Transport Scaling, T. S. Hahm, P.
H. Diamond, Z. Lin, K. Itoh, and S.-I. Itoh, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 46,
A323 (2004).
Porting the 3D Gyrokinetic
Particle-in-Cell Code GTC to the NEC SX-6 Vector Architecture: Perspectives and
Challenges, S.
Ethier and Z. Lin, Comp. Phys. Commun. 164, 456 (2004).
Simulations of Electron Transport from Plasma Turbulence: Recent Progress in
Gyrokinetic Particle Simulations of Turbulent Plasmas, Z. Lin, G.
Rewoldt, S. Ethier, T. S. Hahm, W. W. Lee, J. L. V. Lewandowski, Y. Nishimura,
and W. X. Wang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 16, 16 (2005).
particle-in-cell simulations of plasma microturbulence on advanced computing
platforms, S.
Ethier, W. M. Tang, and Z. Lin, Journal
of Physics: Conference Series 16,
1 (2005).
Global Gyrokinetic Particle
Simulation of Turbulence and Transport in Realistic Tokamak Geometry, W. X. Wang, Z.
Lin, W. M. Tang, W. W. Lee, S. Ethier, J. L. V. Lewandowski, G. Rewoldt, T. S.
Hahm, and J. Manickam, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 16, 59 (2005).
Dynamics of Turbulence
Spreading in Magnetically Confined Plasmas, O. D. Gurcan, P.
H. Diamond, T. S. Hahm, and Z. Lin, Phys.
Plasmas 12, 032303 (2005).
A Gyrokinetic Electron and
Fully Kinetic Ion Plasma Simulation Model, Yu Lin, Xueyi Wang, Zhihong Lin,
and Liu Chen, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 47, 657 (2005).
Role of Nonlinear Toroidal
Coupling in Electron Temperature Gradient Turbulence, Z. Lin, L. Chen,
and F. Zonca, Phys. Plasmas 12, 056125 (2005).
On the Dynamics of Edge-Core
T. S. Hahm, P. H. Diamond, Z. Lin, G. Rewoldt, O. Gurcan, and S. Ethier, Phys. Plasmas 12, 090903 (2005).
Nonlinear Toroidal Mode
coupling: A New Paradigm for Drift Wave Turbulence in Toroidal Plasmas, L. Chen, F. Zonca,
and Z. Lin, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 47, B71 (2005).
A Finite Element Poisson
Solver for Global Gyrokinetic Particle Simulations, Y. Nishimura, Z.
Lin, J. L. V. Lewandowski, and S. Ethier, J.
Comput. Phys. 214, 657 (2006).
particle-in-cell simulations of microturbulence with kinetic electrons, J.
L. V. Lewandowski, G. Rewoldt, S. Ethier, and W. W. Lee, and Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas 13, 072306 (2006).
Gyrokinetic particle
simulation of neoclassical transport in the pedestal/scrape-off region of a tokamak plasma,
S. Ku, C.-S. Chang, M. Adams, J.
Cummings, F. Hinton, D. Keyes, S.
Klasky, W. Lee, Z. Lin, S. Parker, and the CPES team, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 46, 87-91 (2006).
A Finite
Element Mesh in a Tokamak Edge Geometry, Y. Nishimura and Z. Lin, Contributions Plasma Phys. 46, 551 (2006).
simulation of global turbulent transport properties in tokamak Experiments, W.
X. Wang, Z. Lin, W. M. Tang, W. W. Lee, S. Ethier, J. L. V. Lewandowski, G. Rewoldt, T. S. Hahm, and J.
Manickam, Phys. Plasmas 13, 092505 (2006).
Statistical analysis
of fluctuations and noise-driven
transport in particle-in-cell simulations of plasma turbulence, I. Holod and Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas 14, 032306 (2007).
Electromagnetic global
gyrokinetic simulation of shear Alfven wave dynamics in tokamak plasmas, Y. Nishimura, Z.
Lin, and W. X. Wang, Phys. Plasmas 14, 042503 (2007).
Gyrokinetic theory and
simulation of mirror instability, H. Qu, Z. Lin, and L. Chen, Phys. Plasmas 14, 042108 (2007).
Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current
Status and Future Direction, D. A. Batchelor, M. Beck, A. Becoulet,
R. V. Budny, C. S. Chang, P. H. Diamond, J. Q. Dong, G. Y. Fu, A. Fukuyama, T.
S. Hahm, D. E. Keyes, Y. Kishimoto, S. Klasky, L. L. Lao, K. Li, Z. Lin, B.
Ludaescher, J. Manickam, N. Nakajima, T. Ozeki, N. Podhorszki, W. M. Tang, M.
A. Vouk, R. E. Waltz, S. J. Wang, H. R. Wilson, X. Q. Xu, M. Yagi, and F.
Zonca, Plasma Sci. Technol. 9, 312-387 (2007).
Linear comparison of
gyrokinetic codes with trapped electrons, G. Rewoldt, Z. Lin, and Y.
Idomura, Comp. Phys. Commun. 177, 775 (2007).
Global gyrokinetic particle
simulations with kinetic electrons, Z. Lin, Y. Nishimura, Y. Xiao, I. Holod, W. L. Zhang, and L. Chen, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 49, B163 (2007).
Wave-particle decorrelation and
transport of anisotropic turbulence in collisionless plasmas, Z. Lin, I.
Holod, L. Chen, P. H. Diamond, T. S. Hahm, and S. Ethier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99,
265003 (2007).
Nonlinear Saturation of Mirror
H. Qu, Z. Lin, and L. Chen, Geophy. Res.
Lett. 35, L10108 (2008).
Guiding center orbit
studies in a tokamak edge geometry employing Boozer and Cartesian coordinates, Y. Nishimura, Y. Xiao, and Z. Lin, Contributions Plasma Phys. 48, 224 (2008).
Toward a
first-principles integrated simulation of tokamak edge plasmas, C S Chang, S Klasky, J Cummings, R.
Samtaney, A Shoshani, L Sugiyama, D Keyes, S. Ku, G Park, S Parker, N
Podhorszki, H. Strauss, H Abbasi, M Adams, R Barreto, G. Bateman, K Bennett, Y
Chen, E D’Azevedo, C Docan, S Ethier, E Feibush, L. Greengard, T Hahm, F
Hinton, C Jin, A. Khan, A Kritz, P Krsti, T Lao, W Lee, Z. Lin, J Lofstead, P
Mouallem, M Nagappan, A Pankin, M Parashar, M Pindzola, C. Reinhold, D Schultz,
K Schwan, D. Silver, A Sim, D Stotler, M Vouk, M Wolf, H. Weitzner, P Worley, Y
Xiao, E Yoon, D Zorin, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
125, 012042 (2008).
A particle simulation of current sheet
instabilities under finite guide field,
X. Y. Wang, Y. Lin, L. Chen, and Z. Lin, Phys.
Plasmas 15, 072103 (2008).
Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation
of Compressional Electromagnetic Modes, H. Qu and Z. Lin, Commun. Comput. Phys. 4, 519 (2008).
Formulation of Lower-Hybrid Drift Instabilities
in Current-Sheet Equilibrium with a Guide
W. Zhang, Z. Lin, P. H. Yoon, and X. Wang, Commun.
Comput. Phys. 4, 719 (2008).
Special issue for the 20th
International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas (ICNSP) - Preface, Z. H. Lin and F.
Waelbroeck, Commun. Comput. Phys. 4 (3), I (2008).
Transport of Energetic
Particles by Microturbulence in Magnetized Plasmas, Wenlu Zhang,
Zhihong Lin, and Liu Chen, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 101, 095001 (2008).
Gyrokinetic particle
simulations of toroidal momentum transport, I. Holod and Z.
Lin, Phys. Plasmas 15, 092302
Full Torus
Electromagnetic Gyrokinetic Particle Simulations
with Kinetic Electrons, Y. Nishimura, Z. Lin and L. Chen, Commun. Comput. Phys. 5, 183 (2009).
Physics of
non-diffusive turbulent transport
of momentum and the origins of
spontaneous rotation in tokamaks, P. H. Diamond, C.J. McDevitt, O. D. Gurcan,
T. S. Hahm, W. X. Wang, E. S.
Yoon, I. Holod, Z. Lin, V. Naulin and R. Singh, Nuclear Fusion 49, 045002 (2009).
Compressed ion temperature
gradient turbulence in diverted tokamak edge, C. S. Chang, S.
Ku, P. H. Diamond, Z. Lin, S. Parker, T. S. Hahm, and N. Samatova, Phys. Plasmas 16, 056108 (2009).
Turbulent transport of trapped
electron modes in collisionless plasmas, Yong Xiao and Zhihong Lin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 085004 (2009).
Properties of
microturbulence in toroidal plasmas with reversed magnetic shear, Wenjun Deng and
Zhihong Lin, Phys. Plasmas 16,
102503 (2009).
The importance of
parallel nonlinearity in the self-interaction
of geodesic acoustic mode, H. S. Zhang,
Z. Qiu, L. Chen,
and Z. Lin, Nuclear Fusion 49,
125009 (2009).
formulation of global gyrokinetic particle simulation in toroidal geometry, I. Holod, W. L. Zhang, Y. Xiao, and Z.
Lin, Phys. Plasmas 16, 122307
integrated gyrokinetic simulation of plasma
turbulence in realistic diverted-tokamak
geometry, C S Chang, S. Ku, P. Diamond, M Adams, R Barreto, Y
Chen, J Cummings, E D’Azevedo, G Dif-Pradalier, S Ethier, L. Greengard, T Hahm,
F Hinton, S. Klasky, Z Lin, J Lofstead, G Park, S Parker, N Podhorszki, K
Schwan, A Shoshani, D. Silver, M Wolf, P Worley, H Weitzzner, E Yoon, D Zorin, Journal
of Physics: Conference Series 180,
012057 (2009).
Advanced simulation of
electron heat transport in fusion plasmas, Z. Lin, Y. Xiao, I. Holod, W. Zhang, W. Deng, S. Klasky, J. Lofstead,
C. Kamath, and N. Wichmann, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 180, 012059 (2009).
Effects of electron
dynamics in toroidal momentum transport driven by ion temperature gradient
turbulence, I. Holod and Z.
Lin, Plasma Phys.
Contr. Fusion 52, 035002 (2010).
Fluctuation characteristics
and transport properties of collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence,
Xiao, Ihor Holod
Scalings of
energetic particle transport by ion temperature gradient Microturbulence, Wenlu Zhang,
Viktor Decyk, Ihor Holod
Trapped Electron Damping
of Geodesic Acoustic Mode, Huasen Zhang and Zhihong Lin, Phys. Plasmas 17, 072502 (2010).
Gyrokinetic Simulation of
Turbulence Driven Geodesic Acoustic Modes in Edge Plasmas of HL-2A Tokamak, Feng Liu, Z.
Lin, J. Q. Dong, K. J. Zhao, Phys.
Plasmas 17, 112318 (2010).
Gyrokinetic particle
simulations of reversed shear Alfven eigenmode excited by antenna and fast ions, Wenjun Deng,
Zhihong Lin, Ihor Holod, Xin Wang, Yong Xiao, and Wenlu Zhang, Phys. Plasmas 17, 112504 (2010).
Gyrokinetic particle
simulation of beta-induced Alfven eigenmode, H. S. Zhang, Z.
Lin, I. Holod, X. Wang, Y. Xiao, W. L. Zhang, Phys. Plasmas 17, 112505
simulation of magnetic compressional modes
in general geometry, Peter Porazik and Zhihong Lin, Commun. Comput. Phys. 10,
899 (2011).
particle simulation of drift-compressional modes in dipole geometry, Peter Porazik and Zhihong Lin, Phys. Plasmas 18, 072107 (2011).
Convective motion in
collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence, Yong Xiao and
Zhihong Lin, Phys. Plasmas 18, 110703 (2011).
Comment on ``Electrostatic
and magnetic transport of energetic ions in turbulent plasmas'', W. L. Zhang, Z.
Lin, and L. Chen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 239501 (2011).
Gyrokinetic simulation
model for kinetic magnetohydrodynamic processes in magnetized plasmas, W. Deng, Z. Lin,
and I. Holod, Nuclear Fusion 52,
023005 (2012).
Turbulent Transport of
Toroidal Angular Momentum in Fusion Plasmas, I. Holod, Z.
Lin, and Y. Xiao, Phys. Plasmas 19, 012314 (2012).
Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Toroidal Alfven Eigenmodes Excited by Antenna and Fast Ions, Wenlu Zhang, Ihor Holod, Zhihong Lin, and Yong Xiao, Phys. Plasmas 19, 022507 (2012).
Validation of ETG Turbulence
in the Columbia Linear Machine, X. R. Fu, W. Horton, Y. Xiao, Z. Lin, A.
K. Sen, and V. Sokolov, Phys. Plasmas 19, 032303 (2012).
Linear properties of
reversed shear Alfven eigenmodes in DIII-D tokamak, W. Deng, Z. Lin,
I. Holod, Z. Wang, Y. Xiao, and H. Zhang, Nuclear
Fusion 52, 043006 (2012).
Nonlinear Frequency
Oscillation of Alfven Eigenmodes in Fusion Plasmas, H. S. Zhang, Z. Lin, and I. Holod, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 025001 (2012).
Verification and validation
of linear gyrokinetic simulation of Alfven eigenmodes in the DIII-D tokamak, D. A. Spong, E.
M. Bass, W. Deng, W. W. Heidbrink, Z. Lin, B. Tobias, M. A. Van Zeeland,
M. E. Austin, C. W. Domier, N. C. Luhmann, Jr., Phys. Plasmas 19, 082511
Verification of Gyrokinetic
Particle Simulation of Device Size Scaling of Turbulent Transport, Z. H. Lin, S.
Ethier, T. S. Hahm, and W. M. Tang, Plasma
Sci. Technol. 14, 1125 (2012).
Nonlinear dynamics of
beta-induced Alfven eigenmode in tokamak, H. S. Zhang, Z. Lin, W. Deng, I.
Holod, Z. X. Wang, Y. Xiao, W. L. Zhang, Phys.
Plasmas 20, 012510 (2013).
Verification of
Electromagnetic Fluid-Kinetic Hybrid Electron Model in Global Gyrokinetic
Particle Simulation, I. Holod and Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas 20, 032309 (2013).
Comparison of
toroidicity-induced Alfven eigenmodes and energetic particle modes by
gyrokinetic particle simulations, Chenxi Zhang, Wenlu Zhang, Zhihong Lin,
Ding Li, Phys. Plasmas 20, 052501 (2013).
GTC simulation of ideal
ballooning mode in tokamak plasmas, Z. Li, G. Sun, I. Holod, Y. Xiao, W.
Zhang, and Z. Lin, Plasma Sci. Technol. 15, 499 (2013).
Improved understanding of
physics processes in pedestal structure, leading to improved predictive
capability for ITER, R. J. Groebner, C. S. Chang, J. W. Hughes, R.
Maingi, P. B. Snyder, X. Q. Xu, J. A. Boedo, D. P. Boyle, J. D. Callen, J. M.
Canik, I. Cziegler, E. M. Davis, A. Diallo, P. H. Diamond, J. D. Elder, D. P.
Eldon, D. R. Ernst, D. P. Fulton, M. Landreman, A. W. Leonard, J. D. Lore, T.
H. Osborne, A. Y. Pankin, S. E. Parker, T. L. Rhodes, S. P. Smith, A. C.
Sontag, W. M. Stacey, J. Walk, W. Wan, E. H. -J. Wang, J. G. Watkins, A. E.
White, D. G. Whyte, Z. Yan, E. A. Belli, B. D. Bray, J. Candy, R. M. Churchill,
T. M. Deterly, E. J. Doyle, M. E. Fenstermacher, N. M. Ferraro, W. E. Hubbard,
I. Joseph, J. E. Kinsey, B. LaBombard, C. J. Lasnier, Z. Lin, B. L. Lipschultz,
C. Liu, Y. Ma, G. R. McKee, D. M. Ponce, J. C. Rost, L. Schmitz, G. M.
Staebler, L. E. Sugiyama, J. L. Terry, M. V. Umansky, R. E. Waltz, S. M. Wolfe,
L. Zeng, S. J. Zweben, Nuclear Fusion
53, 093024 (2013).
Radial Localization of
Toroidicity-Induced Alfven Eigenmodes, Zhixuan Wang, Zhihong Lin, Ihor
Holod, W. W. Heidbrink, Benjamin Tobias, Michael Van Zeeland, and M. E. Austin,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 145003 (2013).
Does the orbit-averaged
theory require a scale separation between periodic orbit size and perturbation
correlation length? Wenlu Zhang and Zhihong Lin, Phys. Plasmas 20, 102306
Verification of particle
simulation of radio frequency waves in fusion plasmas, A. Kuley, Z. X.
Wang, Z. Lin, and F. Wessel, Phys.
Plasmas 20, 102515 (2013).
Nonlinear generation of
zonal fields by the beta-induced Alfven eigenmode in tokamak, H. S. Zhang and
Z. Lin, Plasma Sci. Technol. 15, 969 (2013).
Microturbulence in DIII-D
Tokamak Pedestal. I. Electrostatic Instabilities, D. Fulton, Z.
Lin, I. Holod, and Y. Xiao, Phys. Plasmas
21, 042110 (2014).
Particle simulation of
lower hybrid wave propagation in fusion plasmas, J. Bao, Z. Lin,
A. Kuley, and Z. X. Lu, Plasma Phys.
Contr. Fusion 56, 095020 (2014).
Special section containing
papers presented at the 13th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in
Magnetic Confinement Systems (Beijing, China, 17-20 September 2013) Preface, Z. Lin, Nuclear Fusion 54, 100301
Effects of magnetic islands
on drift wave instability, P. Jiang, Z. Lin, I. Holod, and C. Xiao,
Phys. Plasmas 21, 122513 (2014).
Verification of
gyrokinetic particle simulation of current-driven instability in fusion
plasmas. I. Internal kink mode, J. McClenaghan, Z. Lin, I. Holod, W.
Deng, and Z. Wang, Phys. Plasmas 21, 122519 (2014).
Verification of Gyrokinetic
Particle Simulation of Current-driven Instability in Fusion Plasmas. II.
Resistive Tearing Mode, Dongjian Liu, Wenlu Zhang, Joseph McClenaghan, Jiaqi
Wang, Zhihong Lin, Phys. Plasmas 21, 122520 (2014).
of Toroidal Alfven Eigenmode in DIII-D Plasma, Z. X. Wang, Z.
Lin, W. J. Deng, I. Holod, W. W. Heidbrink, Y. Xiao, H. S. Zhang, W. L. Zhang,
M. A. Van Zeeland, Phys. Plasmas 22, 022509 (2015).
particle simulation of microturbulence for general magnetic geometry and
experimental profiles, Y. Xiao, I. Holod, Z. X. Wang, Z. Lin, T. G.
Zhang, Phys. Plasmas 22, 022516 (2015).
Impact on Advances of Global Gyrokinetic PIC Codes for Fusion Energy Research, Stephane
Ethier, Choon-Seock Chang, Seung-Hoe Ku, Wei-li Lee, Weixing
Wang, Zhihong Lin, William Tang, Computing in Science & Engineering 17 (3),
10 (2015).
Microturbulence in DIII-D
tokamak pedestal. II. Electromagnetic instabilities, I. Holod, D.
Fulton, Z. Lin, Nuclear Fusion 55, 093020 (2015).
Method to integrate full
particle orbit in toroidal plasmas, X. S. Wei, Y. Xiao, A. Kuley, and Z.
Lin, Phys. Plasmas 22, 092502 (2015).
Verification of nonlinear
particle simulation of radio frequency waves in tokamak, A. Kuley, Z.
Lin, J. Bao, X. S. Wei, Y. Xiao, W. Zhang, G. Y. Sun, and N. J. Fisch, Phys. Plasmas 22, 102515 (2015).
Quasi-Static Model of
Magnetically Collimated Jets and Radiolobes II: Jet Structure and Stability,
A. Colgate, T. Kenneth Fowler, Hui Li, E. Bickford Hooper, Joseph McClenaghan,
Zhihong Lin, ApJ 813, 136 (2015).
Nonlinear Particle Simulation of Ion Cyclotron Waves in
Toroidal Geometry,
A. Kuley, J. Bao, Z. Lin, X. S. Wei, Y. Xiao, AIP Conference Proceedings 1689,
060008 (2015).
Global particle simulation of lower
hybrid wave propagation and mode conversion in tokamaks, J. Bao, Z. Lin,
A. Kuley, AIP Conference Proceedings 1689, 080008 (2015).
Gyrokinetic Particle
Simulation of a Field Reversed Configuration, D. P. Fulton, C.
K. Lau, I. Holod, Z. Lin, and S. Dettrick, Phys.
Plasmas 23, 012509 (2016).
Verification of Gyrokinetic
Particle Simulation of Current-driven Instability in Fusion Plasmas. III.
Collisionless Tearing Mode, Dongjian
Liu, Jian Bao, Tao Han, Jiaqi Wang, Zhihong Lin, Phys. Plasmas 23, 022502 (2016).
The Implementation of
Magnetic Islands in Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code, P. Jiang, Z.
Lin, I. Holod, C. J. Xiao, Plasma Sci. Technol. 18,
126 (2016).
Gyrokinetic particle
simulation of beta-induced Alfven-acoustic eigenmode, H. S. Zhang, Y.
Q. Liu, Z. Lin, and W. L. Zhang, Phys.
Plasmas 23, 042510 (2016).
Gyrokinetic particle
simulation of fast-electron driven beta-induced Alfven eigenmode, Junyi Cheng,
Wenlu Zhang, Zhihong Lin, Ihor Holod, Ding Li, Yang Chen, and Jintao Cao, Phys. Plasmas 23, 052504 (2016).
Gyrokinetic simulation of
driftwave instability in field-reversed configuration, D. P. Fulton, C.
K. Lau, L. Schmitz, I. Holod , Z. Lin, T. Tajima, M. W. Binderbauer, and TAE
Team, Phys. Plasmas 23, 056111 (2016).
Nonlinear electromagnetic
formulation for particle simulation of lower hybrid waves in toroidal geometry, J. Bao, Z. Lin,
A. Kuley, Z. X. Wang, Phys. Plasmas 23, 062501 (2016).
Electromagnetic particle
simulation of toroidal effects on linear mode conversion and absorption of
lower hybrid waves, J. Bao, Z. Lin, A. Kuley, Z. X. Wang, Nuclear Fusion 56, 066007 (2016).
Electron Cyclotron
Heating Can Drastically Alter Reversed Shear Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in
DIII-D Through Finite Pressure Effects, M. A. Van Zeeland, W. W.
Heidbrink, S. E. Sharapov, D. Spong, A. Cappa, X. Chen, C. Collins, M.
Garcia-Munoz, N. N. Gorelenkov, G. Kramer, P. Lauber, Z. Lin, C. Petty, Nuclear Fusion 56, 112007 (2016).
Multiple toroidal Alfven
eigenmodes with a single toroidal mode number in KSTAR plasmas, H. Rizvi, C. M.
Ryu, and Z. Lin, Nuclear Fusion 56, 112016 (2016).
Sensitivity of kinetic
ballooning mode instability to tokamak equilibrium implementations, H. S. Xie, Y.
Xiao, I. Holod, Z. Lin, E. A. Belli, J.
Plasma Physics 82, 905820503
Role of Convective Cell in
Nonlinear Interaction of Kinetic Alfven Waves, O. O. Luk and Z.
Lin, Phys. Plasmas 23, 102303 (2016).
Microturbulence in DIII-D
tokamak pedestal. III. Effects of collisions, X. Liao, Z. Lin,
I. Holod, Y. Xiao, B. Li, and P. B. Snyder, Phys.
Plasmas 23, 122507 (2016).
Microturbulence in DIII-D
tokamak pedestal. IV. Electrostatic turbulent transport, X. Liao, Z. Lin,
I. Holod, B. Li, G. Y. Sun, Phys. Plasmas
23, 122305 (2016).
Suppressed ion-scale
turbulence in a hot high-b plasma, L. Schmitz, D. P. Fulton, E. Ruskov, C.
Lau, B. H. Deng, T. Tajima, M. W. Binderbauer, I. Holod, Z. Lin, H. Gota, M.
Tuszewski, S. A. Dettrick, L.C. Steinhauer, Nature
Communications 7, 13860 (2016).
Effects of Resonant Magnetic
Perturbations on Microturbulence in DIII-D Pedestal, I. Holod, Z.
Lin, S. Taimourzadeh, R. Nazikian, D. Spong, and A. Wingen, Nuclear Fusion 57, 016005 (2017).
Effects of Magnetic Islands on
Bootstrap Current in Toroidal Plasmas, G. Dong, Z. Lin,
Nuclear Fusion 57, 036009 (2017).
New Paradigm for Turbulent
Transport Across a Steep Gradient in Toroidal Plasmas, H. S. Xie, Y.
Xiao, and Z. Lin, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 118, 095001
Excitation of Low Frequency
Alfven Eigenmodes in Toroidal Plasmas, Yaqi Liu, Zhihong Lin, Huasen
Zhang, Wenlu Zhang, Nuclear Fusion 57, 114001 (2017).
Achievement of Field-Reversed
Configuration Plasma Sustainment via 10 MW Neutral-Beam Injection on the C-2U
H. Gota, M. W. Binderbauer, T. Tajima, S. Putvinski, M. Tuszewski, S. Dettrick,
E. Garate, S. Korepanov, A. Smirnov, M. C. Thompson, E. Trask, X. Yang, L.
Schmitz, Z. Lin, A. A. Ivanov, T. Asai, I. Allfrey, R. Andow, M. Beall, N.
Bolte, D. Q. Bui, M. Cappello, F. Ceccherini, R. Clary, A. H. Cheung, K.
Conroy, B. H. Deng, J. Douglass, A. Dunaevsky, P. Feng, D. Fulton, L. Galeotti,
E. Granstedt, M. Griswold, D. Gupta, S. Gupta, K. Hubbard, I. Isakov, J.S.
Kinley, K. Knapp, R. Magee, V. Matvienko, R. Mendoza, Y. Mok, A. Necas, S.
Primavera, M. Onofri, D. Osin, N. Rath, T. Roche, J. Romero, T. Schindler, J.
H. Schroeder, L. Sevier, D. Sheftman, A. Sibley, Y. Song, L. C. Steinhauer, T.
Valentine, A. D. Van Drie, J. K. Walters, W. Waggoner, P. Yushmanov, K. Zhai
and the TAE Team, Nuclear Fusion 57, 116021 (2017).
Preface to Special Issue
Containing Invited Papers Presented at Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation: A
Symposium in Honor of Wei-li Lee (University of California, Irvine, July 18–22,
Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas 24, 081101 (2017).
Gyrokinetic particle
simulations of the effects of compressional magnetic perturbations on
drift-Alfvenic instabilities in tokamaks, Ge Dong, Jian Bao, Amitava
Bhattacharjee, Alain Brizard, Zhihong Lin, and Peter Porazik, Phys. Plasmas 24, 081205 (2017).
Effects of electron cyclotron
current drive on magnetic islands in tokamak plasmas, J. C. Li, C. J.
Xiao, Z. H. Lin, K. J. Wang, Phys.
Plasmas 24, 082508 (2017).
Drift-wave Stabilities in the
Field-Reversed Configuration, C. K. Lau, D. P. Fulton, I. Holod, Z.
Lin, M. Binderbauer, T. Tajima, and L. Schmitz, Phys. Plasmas 24, 082512
Nonlinear Co-existence of
Beta-induced Alfvén Eigenmodes and Beta-induced Alfvén-acoustic
Junyi Cheng, Wenlu Zhang, Zhihong Lin, Ding Li, Chao Dong, Jintao Cao, Phys. Plasmas 24, 092516 (2017).
A conservative scheme of drift
kinetic electrons for gyrokinetic simulation of kinetic-MHD processes in
toroidal plasmas,
J. Bao, D. Liu, Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas
24, 102516 (2017).
A closed high-frequency
Vlasov-Maxwell simulation model in toroidal geometry, Pengfei Liu,
Wenlu Zhang, Chao Dong, Jingbo Lin, Zhihong Lin, and Jintao Cao, Nuclear Fusion 57, 126011 (2017).
Pushforward Transformation
of Gyrokinetic Moments under Electromagnetic Fluctuations, Pengfei Liu,
Wenlu Zhang, Chao Dong, Jingbo Lin, Zhihong Lin, Jintao Cao, and Ding Li, Phys. Plasmas 24, 112114 (2017).
Particle simulation of radio
frequency waves with fully-kinetic ions and gyrokinetic electrons, Jingbo Lin,
Wenlu Zhang, Pengfei Liu, Zhihong Lin, Chao Dong, Jintao Cao, and Ding Li, Nuclear Fusion 58, 016024 (2018).
A conservative scheme for
electromagnetic simulation of magnetized plasmas with kinetic electrons, J. Bao, Z. Lin,
and Z. X. Lu, Phys. Plasmas 25, 022515 (2018).
142. Combination Doppler
backscattering/cross-polarization scattering diagnostic for the C-2W
field-reversed configuration, L. Schmitz, B.
Deng, M. Thompson, H. Gota, C. Lau, D. P. Fulton, Z. Lin, T. Tajima, M.
Binderbauer, and TAE Team, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89,
10H116 (2018).
143. Development of Finite
Element Field Solver in Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code, Hongying Feng, Wenlu Zhang, Zhihong
Lin, Xiaohe Zhufu, Jin Xu, Jintao Cao, and Ding Li, Commun. Comput.
Phys. 24, 655
144. Simulation of
toroidicity-induced Alfven eigenmode excited by energetic ions in HL-2A tokamak
plasmas, Hongda He, Junyi Cheng, J.
Q. Dong, Wenlu
Zhang, Chenxi Zhang, Jinxia Zhu, Ruirui Ma, T.
Xie, G. Z. Hao, A. P. Sun, G. Y. Zheng, W. Chen and Z. Lin, Nuclear
Fusion 58, 126023 (2018).
145. Heterogeneous
Programming and Optimization of Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code Using Directives, Wenlu Zhang, Wayne Joubert, Peng Wang, Matthew Niemerg,
Bei Wang, William Tang, Sam Taimourzadeh, Lei Shi, Jian Bao, Zhihong Lin, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 11381, 3–21 (2019). (WACCPD 2018
Workshop, Dallas).
146. Gyrokinetic
simulations of Toroidal Alfven Eigenmodes excited by energetic ions and
external antennas on the Joint European Torus,
V. Aslanyan, S. Taimourzadeh, L. Shi, Z. Lin, G. Dong, P. Puglia, M. Porkolab,
R. Dumont, S. E. Sharapov, J. Mailloux, M. Tsalas, M. Maslov, A.
Whitehead, R. Scannell, S. Gerasimov, S. Dorling, S. Dowson, H. K. Sheikh, T.
Blackman, G. Jones, A. Goodyear, K. K. Kirov, P. Blanchard, A. Fasoli, D.
Testa, and JET Contributors, Nuclear Fusion 59, 026008
147. Nonlinear Saturation of
Kinetic Ballooning Modes by Zonal Fields in Toroidal Plasmas, G. Dong, J. Bao, A. Bhattacharjee, and Z. Lin, Phys.
Plasmas 26, 010701 (2019).
148. DIII-D research
towards establishing the scientific basis for future fusion reactors, C.C. Petty and the DIII-D Team, Nuclear Fusion 59,
112002 (2019).
149. Effects of
RMP-Induced Changes of Radial Electric Fields on Microturbulence in DIII-D
Pedestal Top, S. Taimourzadeh, L. Shi, Z.
Lin, R. Nazikian, I. Holod, D. Spong, Nuclear Fusion 59,
046005 (2019).
150. Global simulation of ion
temperature gradient instabilities in a field-reversed configuration, J. Bao, C. K. Lau, Z. Lin, H. Y. Wang, D. P. Fulton, S.
Dettrick, and T. Tajima, Phys. Plasmas 26, 042506
151. Verification and
validation of integrated simulation of energetic particles in fusion plasmas, S. Taimourzadeh, E. M. Bass, Y. Chen, C. Collins, N. N.
Gorelenkov, A. Konies, Z. X. Lu, D. A. Spong, Y. Todo, M. E. Austin, J.
Bao, A. Biancalani, M. Borchardt, A. Bottino, W. W. Heidbrink, Z. Lin, R.
Kleiber, A. Mishchenko, L. Shi, J. Varela, R. E. Waltz, G. Yu, W. L. Zhang, and
Y. Zhu, Nuclear Fusion 59, 066006 (2019).
152. Cross-separatrix
simulations of turbulent transport in the field-reversed configuration, C. K. Lau, D. P. Fulton, J. Bao, Z. Lin, T. Tajima, L.
Schmitz, S. Dettrick, and the TAE Team, Nuclear Fusion 59,
066018 (2019).
153. Global gyrokinetic
simulation of microturbulence with kinetic electrons in the presence of
magnetic island in tokamak, K. S. Fang and Z.
Lin, Phys. Plasmas 26, 052510 (2019).
154. Formation of hot, stable,
long-lived field-reversed configuration plasmas,
H. Gota , M. W. Binderbauer, T. Tajima, S. Putvinski, M. Tuszewski, B. H. Deng,
S. Dettrick, D. K. Gupta, S. Korepanov, R. M. Magee, T. Roche, J. A.
Romero, A. Smirnov, V. Sokolov, Y. Song, L. C. Steinhauer, K. Zhai,
I. Allfrey, R. Andow, E. Barraza, M. Beall, N. G. Bolte,
E. Bomgardner, F. Ceccherini, A. Chirumamilla, R. Clary,
T. DeHaas, J. Douglass, A. M. DuBois, A. Dunaevsky, D. Fallah, P.
Feng, C. Finucane, D. Fulton, L. Galeotti, K. Galvin, E. M. Granstedt, M. E.
Griswold, U. Guerrero, S. Gupta, K. Hubbard, I. Isakov, J.S. Kinley,
A. Korepanov, S. Krause, C. K. Lau, H. Leinweber, J. Leuenberger,
D. Lieurance, M. Madrid, D. Madura, T. Matsumoto, V. Matvienko, M.
Meekins, R. Mendoza, R. Michel, Y. Mok, M. Morehouse, M. Nations, A. Necas, M.
Onofri, D. Osin, A. Ottaviano, E. Parke, T. M. Schindler, J. H.
Schroeder, L. Sevier, D. Sheftman, A. Sibley, M. Signorelli, R. J. Smith,
M. Slepchenkov, G. Snitchler, J. B. Titus, J. Ufnal, T. Valentine, W.
Waggoner, J. K. Walters, C. Weixel, M. Wollenberg, S. Ziaei, L.
Schmitz, Z. Lin, A. A. Ivanov, T. Asai, E. A. Baltz, J. C. Platt and the TAE
Team, Nuclear Fusion 59, 112009 (2019).
155. Kinetic particle simulations
in a global toroidal geometry, S. De, T.
Singh, A. Kuley, J. Bao, Z. Lin, G. Y. Sun, S. Sharma, and A. Sen, Phys.
Plasmas 26, 082507 (2019).
156. Gyrokinetic simulations
of nonlinear interactions between magnetic islands and microturbulence, Kaisheng Fang, Jian Bao, and Zhihong Lin, Plasma
Sci. Technol. 21, 115102 (2019).
157. Verification of gyrokinetic
particle simulation of current-driven instability in fusion plasmas. IV.
Drift-tearing mode, Hao Shi, Wenlu Zhang,
Hongying Feng, Zhihong Lin, Chao Dong, Jian Bao, and Ding Li, Phys.
Plasmas 26, 092512 (2019).
158. Verification of an
energetic-electron-driven b-induced Alfven eigenmode in the HL-2A tokamak, Yang Chen, Wenlu Zhang, Junyi Cheng, Zhihong Lin, Chao
Dong, and Ding Li, Phys. Plasmas 26, 102507 (2019).
159. Gyrokinetic particle
simulations of interactions between energetic particles and magnetic islands
induced by neoclassical tearing modes, X.
Tang, Z. Lin, W. W. Heidbrink, J. Bao, C. Xiao, Z. Li and J. Li, Phys.
Plasmas 27, 032508 (2020).
160. GTC simulation of linear
stability of tearing mode and a model magnetic island stabilization by ECCD in
toroidal plasma, Jingchun Li, Chijie Xiao,
Zhihong Lin, Dongjian Liu, Xiaoquan Ji, and Xiaogang Wang, Phys.
Plasmas 27, 042507 (2020).
161. Temperature Gradient,
Toroidal and Ion FLR Effects on Drift-Tearing Modes, Hao Shi, Wenlu Zhang, Chao Dong, Jian Bao, Zhihong Lin,
Jintao Cao, and Ding Li, Chin. Phys. Lett. 37, 085201
162. Global Gyrokinetic
Particle Simulations of Microturbulence in W7-X and LHD Stellarators, H. Y. Wang, I. Holod, Z. Lin, J. Bao, J. Y. Fu, P. F.
Liu, J. H. Nicolau, D. Spong, Y. Xiao, Phys. Plasmas 27,
082305 (2020).
163. Electrostatic quasi-neutral
formulation of global cross-separatrix particle simulation in field-reversed
configuration geometry, C. K. Lau, D. P.
Fulton, J. Bao, Z. Lin, S. Dettrick, M. Binderbauer, T. Tajima, and L.
Schmitz, Phys. Plasmas 27, 082504 (2020).
164. Verification of
Energetic-Particle-Induced Geodesic Acoustic Mode in Gyrokinetic Particle
Simulations, Yang Chen, Wenlu Zhang, Jian Bao, Zhihong Lin, Chao
Dong, Jintao Cao, and Ding Li, Chin. Phys. Lett. 37,
095201 (2020).
165. Verification of local
electrostatic gyrokinetic simulation of driftwave instability in
field-reversed configuration, Shuying Sun,
Xishuo Wei, Zhihong Lin, Pengfei Liu, Wenhao Wang,
and Huasheng Xie, Phys. Plasmas 27, 112504
166. Electromagnetic modeling of
parametric instability for slow waves in lower hybrid frequency range, J. Bao, Z. Lin, W. L. Zhang, and D. Li, AIP
Conference Proceedings 2254, 080003 (2020).
167. Linear gyrokinetic
simulations of reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes and ion temperature gradient
modes in DIII-D tokamak, Hongyu Wang, Pengfei
Liu, Zhihong Lin, and Wenlu Zhang, Plasma Sci. Technol. 23,
015101 (2021).
168. ‘BAAE’ instabilities
observed without fast ion drive, W. W.
Heidbrink, M. A. Van Zeeland, M. E. Austin, A. Bierwage, Liu Chen, G. J. Choi,
P. Lauber, Z. Lin, G. R. McKee and D.A. Spong, Nuclear Fusion 61,
016029 (2021).
169. Linear simulation of
kinetic electromagnetic instabilities in a tokamak plasma with weak magnetic
shear, Yunchuan Zhao, Jiaqi Wang,
Dongjian Liu, Wei Chen, Ge Dong, and Zhihong Lin, Phys. Plasmas 28,
012107 (2021).
170. Effects of Plasma
Diamagnetic Drift on Alfven Continua and Discrete Eigenmodes in Tokamaks, J. Bao, W. L. Zhang, D. Li, and Z. Lin, Journal
of Fusion Energy 39, 382 (2021).
171. Gyrokinetic simulation of
low-frequency Alfvénic modes in DIII-D tokamak, G. J. Choi, P. Liu, X. S. Wei, J. H. Nicolau, G. Dong, W.
L. Zhang, Z. Lin, W. W. Heidbrink and T.S. Hahm, Nuclear Fusion 61,
066007 (2021).
172. Effects of equilibrium
radial electric field on ion temperature gradient instability in the scrape-off
layer of a field-reversed configuration, W.
H. Wang, J. Bao, X. S. Wei, Z. Lin, G. J. Choi, S. Dettrick, A. Kuley, C. Lau,
P. F. Liu, and T. Tajima, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 63,
065001 (2021).
173. Global gyrokinetic
simulation of neoclassical ambipolar electric field and its effects on
microturbulence in W7-X stellarator, J. Y.
Fu, J. H. Nicolau, P. F. Liu, X. S. Wei, Y. Xiao, and Z. Lin, Phys.
Plasmas 28, 062309 (2021).
174. Effects of resonant
magnetic perturbations on radial electric fields in DIII-D tokamak, Jingyuan FU, Pengfei LIU, Xishuo WEI, Zhihong LIN,
Nathaniel Mandrachia FERRAR, and Raffi NAZIKIAN, Plasma Sci.
Technol. 23, 105104 (2021).
175. Gyrokinetic simulations of
double tearing modes in toroidal plasma, Y.
Yao, Zhihong Lin, J.Q. Dong, P. Shi, S.F. Liu, and Jingchun Li, Physics
Letters A 417, 127681 (2021).
176. Isotope dependence
of beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode (BAE) and low frequency mode (LFM) stability
in DIII-D, W. W. Heidbrink, G. J. Choi, M. A.
Van Zeeland, M. E. Austin, G. H. Degrandchamp, D. A. Spong, A. Bierwage, N. A.
Crocker, X. D. Du, P. Lauber, Z. Lin, G. R. McKee, Nuclear Fusion 61,
106021 (2021).
177. Simulation of
equilibrium and transport in advanced FRCs,
Dettrick, Sean; Barnes, Daniel; Ceccherini, Francesco; Galeotti,
Laura; Galkin, Sergei; Gupta, Sangeeta; Hubbard, Kevin; Koshkarov,
Oleksandr; Lau, Calvin; Mok, Yung; Necas, Ales; Nicks, Bradley; Onofri, Marco;
Park, Jaeyoung; Putvinski, Sergei; Steinhauer, Loren; Yakymenko, Kateryna;
Yushmanov, Peter; Tajima, Toshiki; Belova, Elena; Lin, Zhihong; Wang, Wenhao;
Wei, Xishuo, Nuclear Fusion 61, 106038 (2021).
178. Overview of C-2W: High
Temperature, Steady-State Beam-Driven Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas, H. Gota, M.W. Binderbauer, T. Tajima, A. Smirnov, S.
Putvinski, M. Tuszewski, S.A. Dettrick, D.K. Gupta, S. Korepanov, R.M.
Magee, J. Park, T. Roche, J.A. Romero, E. Trask, X. Yang, P. Yushmanov,
K. Zhai, T. DeHaas, M.E. Griswold, S. Gupta, S. Abramov, A.
Alexander, I. Allfrey, R. Andow, B. Barnett, M. Beall, N.G. Bolte,
E. Bomgardner, A. Bondarenko, F. Ceccherini, L. Chao, R. Clary, A.
Cooper, C. Deng, A. Dunaevsky, P. Feng, C. Finucane, D. Fluegge, L.
Galeotti, S. Galkin, K. Galvin, E.M. Granstedt, K. Hubbard, I. Isakov, M.
Kaur, J.S. Kinley, A. Korepanov, S. Krause, C.K. Lau, A. Lednev, H.
Leinweber, J. Leuenberger, D. Lieurance, D. Madura, J. Margo, D.
Marshall, R. Marshall, T. Matsumoto, V. Matvienko, M. Meekins, W. Melian, R.
Mendoza, R. Michel, Y. Mok, M. Morehouse, R. Morris, L. Morton, M. Nations, A.
Necas, S. Nicks, G. Nwoke, M. Onofri, A. Ottaviano, R. Page, E.
Parke, K. Phung, G. Player, I. Sato, T.M. Schindler, J.H. Schroeder,
D. Sheftman, A. Sibley, A. Siddiq, M. Signorelli, M. Slepchenkov, R.J.
Smith, G. Snitchler, V. Sokolov, Y. Song, L.C. Steinhauer,
V. Stylianou, J. Sweeney, J.B. Titus, A. Tkachev, M. Tobin,
J. Ufnal, T. Valentine, A.D. Van Drie, J. Ward, C. Weixel, C. White,
M. Wollenberg, S. Ziaei, and the TAE Team, Z. Lin, A.A. Ivanov, T.
Asai, E.A. Baltz, M. Dikovsky, W.D. Heavlin, S. Geraedts,
I. Langmore, P.C. Norgaard, R. Von Behren, T. Madams, A. Kast, and
J.C. Platt, Nuclear Fusion 61, 106039 (2021).
179. Interpretation of
electromagnetic modes in the sub-TAE frequency range in JET plasmas with
elevated monotonic q-profiles, N. Fil, S.E.
Sharapov, M. Fitzgerald, G.J. Choi, Z. Lin, R.A. Tinguely, H.J.C. Oliver, K.G.
McClements, P.G. Puglia, R.J. Dumont, M. Porkolab, J. Mailloux,
E. Joffirin, and JET Contributors, Phys. Plasmas 28,
102511 (2021).
180. Microturbulence in edge of
a tokamak plasma with medium density and steep temperature gradient, Jingchun Li, Z. Lin, Jiaqi Dong, Huasheng Xie
and Songfen Liu, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 63,
125005 (2021).
181. Effects of zonal
flows on ion temperature gradient instability in the scrape-off layer
of a field-reversed configuration, X.S. Wei,
W.H. Wang, Z. Lin, G.J. Choi, S. Dettrick, C. Lau, P.F. Liu, and T.
Tajima, Nuclear Fusion 61, 126039 (2021).
182. Global gyrokinetic
simulation with kinetic electron for collisionless damping of zonal flow in
stellarator, Javier H. Nicolau, Gyungjin
Choi, Jingyuan Fu, Pengfei Liu, Xishuo Wei, and Zhihong Lin, Nuclear
Fusion 61, 126041 (2021).
183. Deep learning based
surrogate models for first-principles global simulations of fusion plasmas, G. Dong, X. Wei, J. Bao, G. Brochard, Z. Lin, W.
Tang, Nuclear Fusion 61, 126061 (2021).
184. Role of wave-particle
resonance in turbulent transport in toroidal plasmas, G. Dong and Z. Lin, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 64,
035005 (2022).
185. Verification and
validation of gyrokinetic and kinetic-MHD simulations for internal kink
instability in DIII-D tokamak, G. Brochard,
J. Bao, C. Liu, N. Gorelenkov, G. Choi, G. Dong, P. Liu, J. Mc.Clenaghan,
J. H. Nicolau, F. Wang, W. H. Wang, X. Wei, W. L. Zhang, W. Heidbrink, J. P.
Graves, Z. Lin, H. Lutjens, Nuclear Fusion 62,
036021 (2022).
186. Gyro-average method for
global gyrokinetic particle simulation in realistic tokamak geometry, Yihao Duan, Yong Xiao, Zhihong Lin, Plasma
Phys. Contr. Fusion 64, 045018 (2022).
187. Regulation of Alfven
eigenmodes by microturbulence in fusion plasmas,
P. Liu, X. Wei, Z. Lin, G. Brochard, G.J. Choi, W.W. Heidbrink, J.H. Nicolau,
and G. R. McKee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128,
185001 (2022).
188. DIII-D research
advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to
fusion energy, M. E. Fenstermacher for the DIII-D Team, Nuclear Fusion 62, 042024
189. Causal impact of tearing
mode on zonal flows and local turbulence in the edge of HL-2A plasmas, J. Q. Xu, Y. R. Qu, J. C. Li, Z. Lin, J. Q. Dong, X. D.
Peng, M. Jiang, H. P. Qu, Z. H. Huang, N. Wu, W. C. Wang, G. Z. Hao, W. Chen,
J. Q. Li and M. Xu, Nuclear Fusion 62,
086048 (2022).
190. Verification of a fully
kinetic ion model for electromagnetic simulations of high-frequency waves in
toroidal geometry, Y. Y. Yu, X. S. Wei, P. F.
Liu, and Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas 29, 073902 (2022).
Global gyrokinetic
simulations of electrostatic microturbulent transport using kinetic electrons
in LHD stellarator, Tajinder
Singh, Javier H Nicolau, Zhihong Lin, Sarveshwar Sharma, Abhijit Sen, Animesh
Kuley, Nuclear Fusion 62, 126006
192. Dependence of nonlinear coupling
among turbulence, geodesic acoustic modes and tearing modes on magnetic island
width in the HL-2A edge plasmas, J. Q. Xu, J. C. Li, X. D. Peng, Y. R. Qu, Z. Lin,
M. Jiang, Z. H. Huang, N. Wu, W. C. Wang, G. Z. Hao, W. Chen, H. P. Qu, J. Q.
Li, M. Xu, Nuclear
62, 126030
193. Effects of radial electric
field on kinetic ballooning mode in toroidal plasma, Y. C. Chen, Y.
Q. Qin, G. Y. Sun, G. Dong, Y. Xiao, and Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas 30, 022302
194. Nonlinear
Gyrokinetic Simulations of Reversed Shear Alfven Eigenmodes in DIII-D Tokamak, P.
Liu, X. Wei, Z. Lin, G. Brochard, G. J. Choi, and J. H. Nicolau, Reviews
of Modern Plasma Physics 7, 15
195. Gyrokinetic simulations of
electrostatic microturbulence in ADITYA-U tokamak, Tajinder Singh,
Deepti Sharma, Tanmay Macwan, Sarveshwar Sharma, Joydeep Ghosh, Abhijit Sen,
Zhihong Lin, Animesh Kuley, Nuclear Fusion 63,
056008 (2023).
196. Electrostatic
turbulence in EAST plasmas with internal transport barrier,
Yuehao Ma, Bin Zhang, Jian Bao, Z. Lin, Wenlu Zhang, Huishan Cai, and Ding Li, Nuclear Fusion 63, 056014 (2023).
197. MAS: A versatile
Landau-fluid eigenvalue code for plasma stability analysis in general geometry, J.
Bao, W. L. Zhang, D. Li, Z. Lin, G. Dong, C. Liu, H. S. Xie, G. Meng, J. Y.
Cheng, C. Dong, and J. T. Cao, Nuclear Fusion 63, 076021 (2023).
198. The performance of
equilibrium radial electric field shear on microturbulence with different
magnetic shears in tokamak plasmas, Y. C. Chen, Y. Q. Qin, G. Y.
Sun, and Z. Lin, Plasma Phys. Control.
Fusion 65, 075005 (2023).
199. Reconstruction of
tokamak plasma safety factor profile using deep learning,
Xishuo Wei, Shuying Sun, William Tang, Zhihong Lin, Hongfei Du, Ge Dong, Nuclear
Fusion 63, 086020 (2023).
200. Global gyrokinetic
simulations of the impact of magnetic island on ion temperature gradient driven
turbulence, J. C. Li, J. Q. Xu, Y. R. Qu, Z. Lin, J. Q. Dong, X. D. Peng, J.
Q. Li, Nuclear Fusion 63,
096005 (2023).
201. Verification of
gyrokinetic particle simulations of neoclassical tearing modes in fusion
plasmas, Kaijie Wang, Shuying Sun, Wenlu Zhang, Zhihong Lin, Xishuo Wei,
Pengfei Liu, Hongying Feng, Xiaogang Wang, and Ding Li, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 65,
105005 (2023).
202. Implementation of
AI/DEEP learning disruption predictor into a plasma control system,
William Tang, Ge Dong, Jayson Barr, Keith Erickson, Rory Conlin, Dan Boyer,
Julian Kates-Harbeck, Kyle Felker, Cristina Rea, Nikolas Logan, Alexey
Svyatkovskiy, Eliot Feibush, Joseph Abbatte, Mitchell Clement, Brian Grierson,
Raffi Nazikian, Zhihong Lin, David Eldon, Auna Moser, Mikhail Maslov, Contributions to Plasma Physics 63, e202200095 (2023).
203. A new paradigm for
fast and repetitive chirping of Alfvén eigenmodes,
Junyi Cheng, Wenlu Zhang, Zhihong Lin, Jian Bao, Chao Dong, Jintao Cao, and
Ding Li, Nuclear Fusion 63,
124004 (2023).
204. Global simulations of
kinetic-magnetohydrodynamic processes with energetic electrons in tokamak
plasmas, J. Bao, W. L. Zhang, D. Li, Z. Lin, Z. Y. Qiu, W. Chen, X. Zhu,
J. Y. Cheng, C. Dong, and J. T. Cao, Nuclear Fusion 64, 016004
205. Global gyrokinetic
simulations of electrostatic microturbulent transport in LHD stellarator with
boron impurity, Tajinder Singh, Javier H. Nicolau, Federico Nespoli, Gen
Motojima, Zhihong Lin, Abhijit Sen, Sarveshwar Sharma, and Animesh Kuley, Nuclear Fusion 64, 016007 (2024).
206. Saturation of
fishbone instability by self-generated zonal flows in tokamak plasmas, G.
Brochard, C. Liu, X. Wei, W. Heidbrink, Z. Lin, N. Gorelenkov, J. Bao, A. R.
Polevoi, M. Schneider, S. H. Kim, S. D. Pinches, P. Liu, J. H. Nicolau, and H.
Lutjens, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 132, 075101 (2024).
207. Effects of resonant magnetic perturbations on turbulence and
flows in the edge of HL-2A plasmas, Jingchun Li, Z. Lin, J. Cheng,
Z. X. Wu, Jianqiang Xu, Y. He, Z. H. Huang, A. S. Liang, T. F. Sun, J. Q. Dong,
Z. B. Shi, Wulyv Zhong, M. Xu, and HL-2A Team, Phys. Plasmas 31, 042502 (2024).
208. Cross-scale
Interaction between Microturbulence and Meso-scale Reversed Shear Alfvén
Eigenmodes in DIII-D Plasmas, P. Liu, X. Wei, Z. Lin, W. W
Heidbrink, G. Brochard, G. J. Choi, J. H. Nicolau, and W. Zhang, Nuclear
Fusion 64, 076007 (2024).
209. Fast ion
relaxation in ITER mediated by Alfven instabilities, N.N.
Gorelenkov, V.N. Duarte, M.V. Gorelenkova, Z. Lin, S.D. Pinches, Nuclear Fusion 64, 076061 (2024).
210. Effects of hydrogen
isotope species on ITG microturbulence in LHD, Y.
Q. Qin, Y. C. Chen, G. Y. Sun, J. Nicolau, and Z. Lin, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 66, 085004 (2024).
211. Gyrokinetic
simulations of electrostatic microturbulence in ADITYA-U tokamak with argon
impurity, Tajinder Singh, Kajal Shah, Deepti Sharma, Joydeep Ghosh,
Kumarpalsinh A. Jadeja, Rakesh L. Tanna, M. B. Chowdhuri, Zhihong Lin, Abhijit
Sen, Sarveshwar Sharma, Animesh Kuley, Nuclear
Fusion 64, 086038 (2024).
212. A gyrokinetic
simulation model for 2D equilibrium potential in the scrape-off layer of a
field-reversed configuration, W. H. Wang, X. S. Wei, Z.
Lin, C. Lau, S. Dettrick, T. Tajima, Phys.
Plasmas 31, 072507 (2024).
213. Enhanced Plasma
Performance in C-2W Advanced Bean-Driven Field-Reversed Configuration
Experiments, H. Gota, A. Smirnov, M.W. Binderbauer, T. Tajima, S. Putvinski,
J.B. Titus, M. Nations, T. Roche, E. Trask, T. DeHaas, S.A. Dettrick, E.M.
Granstedt, D.K. Gupta, S. Gupta, A.A. Ivanov, S. Korepanov, R.M. Magee, T.
Matsumoto, J.A. Romero, P. Yushmanov, K. Zhai, L. Schmitz, Z. Lin, S.
Krasheninnikov, E.A. Baltz, J.C. Platt, E.V. Belova, T. Asai, A.I. Smolyakov,
S. Abdollahi, S. Abramov, A. Alexander, I. Allfrey, R. Andow, D.C. Barnes, B.
Barnett, J. Barrett, M. Beall, N.G. Bolte, E. Bomgardner, A. Bondarenko, F.
Brighenti, J. Buttery, S. Caton, F. Ceccherini, Y. Choi, R. Clary, A. Cooper,
C. Deng, A. de Vera, J. Drobny, A. Dunaevsky, C. Exton, A. Fareed, P. Feng, C.
Finucane, D. Fluegge, A. Fontanilla, Y. Fujiwara, L. Galeotti, S. Galkin, R.
Groenewald, T. Hsyu, K. Hubbard, R. Jaber, L. Jian, N. Kafle, S. Kamio, S.
Karbashewski, J.S. Kinley, G. Koumarianou, A. Korepanov, S. Krause, P. Kudrin,
C.K. Lau, H. Leinweber, J. Leuenberger, D. Lieurance, M. Litton, R. Luna, R.
Luong, J. MacFarlane, D. Madura, J. Margo, D. Marshall, V. Matvienko, M.
Meekins, W. Melian, R. Mendoza, R. Michel, M. Morehouse, Y. Musthafa, S.
Nazarenko, A. Necas, B.S. Nicks, N. Nwoke, S. Ohshima, M. Onofri, R. Page, J.
Park, E. Parke, S. Patel, L. Pennings, K. Phung, G. Player, L. Rios, I. Sato,
J.H. Schroeder, Y. Shimabukuro, M. Showers, A. Sibley, M. Signorelli, M.
Slepchenkov, R.J. Smith, G. Snitchler, V. Sokolov, D. Solyakov, Y. Song, B.
Sporer, L.C. Steinhauer, C. Stonier, A. Stratta, J. Sweeney, M. Tobin, M.
Tuszewski, J. Ufnal, T. Valentine, S. Vargas, A.D. Van Drie, V. Vekselman, C.
Weixel, C. White, M. Wollenberg, J. Wood, Y. Zhou, S. Ziaei, and the TAE Team, Nuclear
Fusion 64, 112014 (2024).
214. Disappearance of Dimits Shift in Realistic Fusion Reactor
Plasmas with Negative Magnetic Shear, Dingkun Yang, Shengming Li,
Yong Xiao, and Zhihong Lin, Nuclear
Fusion 64, 106045
215. Excited ion-scale turbulence by a magnetic island in fusion
plasmas, Wenyang Li, Jingchun Li, Z. Lin, J. Q. Dong, J. T. Luo, &
Yong Liu, Scientific Reports 14, 25362 (2024).
216. Linear gyrokinetic simulations of Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes
in the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak, H.H. Wong, H. Huang, P. Liu,
Y. Yu, X. Wei, G. Brochard, N. Fil, Z. Lin, M. Podesta, P.J. Bonofiglo, K.G.
McClements, C.A. Michael, N.A. Crocker, L. Garzotti, and T.A. Carter, Phys.
Plasmas 31, 112508 (2024).
217. DIII-D research to provide solutions for ITER and fusion
energy, C. T. Holcomb for the DIII-D Team, Nuclear Fusion 64,
112003 (2024).
218. Effects of Zonal Fields on Energetic-Particle Excitations of
Reversed Shear Alfven Eigenmode: Simulation and Theory, Liu
Chen, Pengfei Liu, Ruirui Ma, Zhihong Lin, Zhiyong Qiu, Wenhao Wang, and Fulvio
Zonca, Nuclear Fusion 65, 016018 (2025).
219. Saturation of fishbone
instability through zonal flows driven by energetic particle transport in
tokamak plasmas, G. Brochard, C. Liu, X. Wei, W. Heidbrink, Z. Lin, M.V. Falessi,
F. Zonca, Z. Qiu, N. Gorelenkov, C. Chrystal, X. Du, J. Bao, A. R. Polevoi, M.
Schneider, S. H. Kim, S. D. Pinches, P. Liu, J. H. Nicolau, H. Lutjens, and the
ISEP group, Nuclear Fusion 65, 016052 (2025).
220. Gyrokinetic simulations of effects of magnetic islands on
microturbulence in KSTAR, Xishuo Wei, Javier H
Nicolau, Gyungjin Choi, Zhihong Lin, Seong-Moo Yang, SangKyeun Kim, WooChang
Lee, Chen Zhao, Tyler Cote, JongKyu Park, Dmitri Orlov, Nuclear Fusion 65, 026026 (2025).
221. Collisionless zonal-flow dynamics in quasi-symmetric
stellarators, Hongxuan Zhu, Z. Lin, and A. Bhattacharjee, J. Plasma Physics
91, E28 (2025).
222. How fast ions mitigate turbulence and enhance confinement in
tokamak fusion plasmas, Yong-Su Na, T.S. Hahm, P.H. Diamond, A.
Di Siena, J. Garcia, Z. Lin, Nature Reviews Physics 7, in press
223. How the Exascale Computing Project and private magnetic
fusion research stimulated each other, T. Tajima, S. A.
Dettrick, Z. Lin, R. E. Groenewald, B. S. Nicks, A. Veksler, D. C. Barnes, F.
Ceccherini, J. Drobny, L. Galeotti, S. Gupta, C. K. Lau, A. Necas, M. Onofri, Fusion
Science and Technology 81, in press (2025).
224. Chapter 7: Energetic particle physics, M.
Salewski, D.A. Spong, P. Aleynikov, R. Bilato, B.N. Breizman, S. Briguglio, H.
Cai, L. Chen, W. Chen, V.N. Duarte, R.J. Dumont, M.V. Falessi, M. Fitzgerald,
E.D. Fredrickson, M. Garcia-Munoz, N.N. Gorelenkov, T. Hayward-Schneider, W.W.
Heidbrink, M.J. Hole, Ye.O. Kazakov, V.G. Kiptily, A. Kronies, T. Kurki-Suonio,
Ph. Lauber, S.A. Lazerson, Z. Lin, A. Mishchenko, D. Moseev, C.M. Muscatello,
M. Nocente, M.Podesta, A.Polevoi, M. Schneider, S.E. Sharapov, A. Snicker,
Y.Todo, Z. Qiu, G. Vlad, X.Wang, D. Zarzoso, M.A.Van Zeeland, F. Zonca, and
S.D. Pinches, Nuclear Fusion 65, in press (2025).
225. AI-machine
learning-enabled tokamak digital twin, William Tang, Eliot
Feibush, Ge Dong, Noah Borthwick, Apollo Lee, Juan-Felipe Gomez, Tom Gibbs,
John Stone, Peter Messmer, Jack Wells, Xishuo Wei, Zhihong Lin, submitted to Nuclear
Fusion, 2025.
226. FTL: Transfer Learning
Nonlinear Plasma Dynamic Transitions in Low Dimensional Embeddings via Deep
Neural Networks, Zhe Bai, Xishuo Wei, William Tang, Leonid Oliker, Zhihong Lin,
Samuel Williams, submitted to Machine Learning Science and Technology,
227. Synergistic effect of radial electric field and magnetic
shear on ion temperature gradient mode, Qien Jing, Yuehao Ma,
Zhihong Lin, Huishan Cai, submitted to Nuclear Fusion, 2025.
II. Conference
Turbulence and Transport
in Enhanced Confinement Regimes of Tokamaks: Simulation and Theory, T. S. Hahm, M.
Artun, M. A. Beer, G. W. Hammett, W. W. Lee, X. Li, Z. Lin, H. E. Mynick, S. E.
Parker, G. Rewoldt, and W. M. Tang, in
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Plasma Physics
and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Montreal, Canada, 1996)
(International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 1997). Paper IAEA-F1-CN-64/D1-2, Vol.2, p. 335-345.
of Turbulence by Zonal Flows, T. S. Hahm, Z. Lin, W. W. Lee, and W. M.
Tang, International School of Plasma Physics – Piero Caldirola 18, 443 (1999).
and Theoretical Studies of Turbulence and Transport with E X B Shear Flows, Z. Lin, M.
S. Chance, T. S. Hahm, J. A. Krommes, W. W. Lee, I. Manuilskiy, H. E. Mynick,
H. Qin, G. Rewoldt, W. M. Tang, and R. B. White, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Yokohama, Japan
1998) (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 1999). Paper
Unifying Role of Radial
Electric Field Shear in the Confinement Trends of Transitionless Regimes in
D. R. Ernst, et al, including Z. Lin,
ibid, Paper IAEA-F1-CN-69/EXP1-14.
Physics Issues in the Design
of a High-b Quasi-Axisymmetric Stellarator, A. Reiman, et
al, including Z. Lin, ibid, Paper
First principles based
transport theory, D. Biskamp, P. H.
Diamond, X. Garbet, Z. Lin, J. Nührenberg, and R.N. Rogers, Nuclear Fusion 40, 873--878 (2000).
of Zonal Flow in Turbulent Transport Scaling, Z. Lin, T. S.
Hahm, J. A. Krommes, W. W. Lee, J. Lewandowski, H. E. Mynick, H. Qin, G.
Rewoldt, W. M. Tang, and R. B. White, in
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Plasma Physics
and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Sorrento, Italy, 2000)
(International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2000). Paper
X-Transport as a Basic Source
of Edge Pedestal and H-mode in a Diverted Tokamak, C. S. Chang, H. Weitzner,
D. Darrow, R. White, Z. Lin, W. Lee, T. Carlstrom, J. deGrassie, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-77/THP1/16.
Physics Issues in the Design
of Low Aspect-Ratio, High-b
Quasi-Axisymmetric Stellarators, M. C.
Zarnstorff, L. A. Berry, A. Boozer, A. Brooks, W. A. Cooper, M. Drevlak, E.
Fredrickson, G.-Y. Fu, R. Goldston, R. Hatcher, S. Hirshman, W. Houlberg, S.
Hudson, C. Kessel, L.-P. Ku, E. Lazarus, J. Lewandowski, Z. Lin, J. Lyon, R.
Majeski, P. Merkel, D. Mikkelsen, D. Monticello, H. Mynick, G. H. Neilson, C.
Nuehrenberg, N. Pomphrey, M. Redi, W. Reiersen, A. Reiman, P. Rutherford, R.
Sanchez, J. Schmidt, D. Spong, P. Strand, D. Strickler, P. Valanju, and R. B.
White, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-77/IC/1.
10. Nonlinear
Zonal Flow Dynamics of Drift and Drift-Alfven Turbulences in Tokamak Plasmas, Liu Chen, Z.
Lin, Roscoe B. White and Fulvio Zonca, ibid,
Paper IAEA-CN-77/TH4/5.
11. Secondary
Instability in Drift Wave Turbulence as a Mechanism for Avalanche Formation, P. H. Diamond,
S. Champeaux, M. Malkov, A. Das, I. Gruzinov, M. N. Rosenbluth, C. Holland, B.
Wecht, A. Smolyakov, F. L. Hinton, Z. Lin, and T. S. Hahm, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-77/TH2/1.
12. Size
Scaling of Turbulent Transport in Tokamak Plasmas, Z. Lin, S.
Ethier, T. S. Hahm, W. W. Lee, J. Lewandowski, G. Rewoldt, W. M. Tang, and W.
X. Wang, in Proceedings of the 19th
International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion
Research (Lyon, France, 2002) (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,
Austria, 2002). Paper IAEA-CN-94/TH1/1.
13. Grid-Based
Parallel Data Streaming Implemented for the Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code, S. Klasky, S. Ethier, Z. Lin, K. Martins, D. McCune,
and R. Samtangey, in Proceedings of the
ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (November 2003).
14. Nonlinear
Toroidal Coupling: a New Paradigm for Plasma Turbulence, Z. Lin, L. Chen,
and F. Zonca, in Proceedings of Joint
Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas,
Varenna, Italy, 2004.
15. Electron
Thermal Transport in Tokamak: ETG or TEM Turbulences? Z. Lin, Y. Nishimura, H. Qu, and Y. Li, in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference
on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Vilamoura, Portugal,
2004) (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2004). Paper
16. Gyrokinetic
Studies of Turbulence in Steep Gradient Region: Role of Turbulence Spreading
and E X B Shear, T. S. Hahm, Z. Lin, P. H. Diamond, G. Rewoldt, W. X.
Wang, S. Ethier, O. Gurcan, J. A. Kromme, R. A. Kolesnikov, W. W. Lee, J.
Lewandowski, and W. M. Tang, in
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Plasma Physics
and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Vilamoura, Portugal, 2004) (International
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2004).
Paper IAEA-CN-116/TH/1-4.
17. Comparative
studies of nonlinear ITG and ETG dynamics, F. Zonca, L. Chen, Z. Lin and R.B. White, in Proceedings of the Second IAEA Technical
Meeting on the Theory of Plasma Instabilities: Transport, Stability and their
Interaction (Trieste, Italy, 2005).
18. Fine-Scale Zonal Flow
Suppression of Electron Temperature Gradient Turbulence, S.
E. Parker, J. J. Kohut, Y. Chen, Z. Lin, F. L. Hinton, and W. W. Lee, in Proceedings of Joint Varenna-Lausanne
International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Italy, 2006.
19. Electron
Transport Driven by Short Wavelength Trapped Electron Mode Turbulence, Z. Lin, L. Chen,
I. Holod, Y. Nishimura, H. Qu, S. Ethier, G. Rewoldt, W. X. Wang, Y. Chen, J. Kohut, S. Parker, and S. Klasky, in Proceedings of the 21st
International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion
Research (Chengdu,
China, 2006) (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria,
2006). Paper IAEA-CN-138/TH/P2-8.
20. Simulations on the Nonlinear Mode Coupling in
Multiple-scale Drift-type Turbulence with Coherent Flow Structures, Jiquan Li, K. Uzawa, Z. Lin, Y. Kishimoto, N. Miyato, T.
Matsumoto, J.Q. Dong, ibid, Paper
21. Long Time Simulations of Microturbulence in Fusion Plasmas, W. W. Lee, S. Ethier, T. G.
Jenkins, W. X. Wang,
J. L. V. Lewandowski, G. Rewoldt,
W. M. Tang,
S. E. Parker, Y. Chen, and Z. Lin, ibid, Paper
22. Integrated particle
simulation of neoclassical and turbulence physics in the tokamak pedestal/edge
region using XGC, Chang, C.S., Ku, S., Adams M., D’Azevedo,
G., Chen, Y., Cummings, J., Ethier, S., Greengard,
L., Hahm, T.S., Hinton, F., Keyes, D., Klasky, S., Lee, W.W., Lin, Z., Nishimura, Y., Parker, S., Samtaney, R., Stotler, D.,
Weitzner, H., Worley, P., Zorin, D., and the CPES Team, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-138/TH/P6-14.
of Non-Diffusive Turbulent Transport of Momentum and the Origins of Spontaneous Rotation in Tokamaks, P. H. Diamond, C. McDevitt, O. D. Gurcan, K. Miki, T. S. Hahm, W. Wang, G.
Rewoldt, I. Holod, Z. Lin, V. Naulin, R. Singh, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Geneva, Switzerland, 2008)
(International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2008). Paper
Simulation of Energetic Particle Turbulence and Transport, L. Chen,
A. Bierwage, S. Briguglio, M. S. Chu, W. Heidbrink, I. Holod, Z. Lin, D. Spong,
M. A. Van Zeeland, G. Vlad, R. E. Waltz, Y. Xiao, W. Zhang, and F. Zonca, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-165/TH/P3-14.
Core and Edge full-f ITG
turbulence with self-consistent neoclassical and mean flow dynamics using a real geometry
particle code XGC1, S. Ku, C. S. Chang, M. Adams, E.
D’Azevedo, Y. Chen, P. Diamond, L. Greengard, T. S. Hahm, Z. Lin, S. Parker, H.
Weitzner, P. Worley, D. Zorin, ibid, Paper
Transport of Energetic Ions due to
Microturbulence, Sawteeth, and Alfven Eigenmodes, D. C. Pace, R.
K. Fisher, M. Garcia-Munoz, W. W. Heidbrink, Z. Lin, G. R. McKee, M. Murakami,
C. M. Muscatello, R. Nazikian, J. M. Park, C. C. Petty, T. L. Rhodes, M. A. Van
Zeeland, R. E. Waltz, R. B. White, J. H. Yu, W. Zhang and Y. B. Zhu, in Proceedings of
the 23rd International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled
Nuclear Fusion Research (Daejon, South Korea, 2010)
(International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2010). Paper IAEA-CN-180/EXW/4-2.
Linear and Nonlinear Properties of
Geodesic Acoustic Mode and Beta-induced Alfven Eigenmode, H. S. Zhang, L.
Chen, I. Holod, Z. Lin, Z. Qiu, X. Wang, Y. Xiao, W. L. Zhang, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-180/THS/P8-05.
Verification of gyrokinetic
particle simulation of Alfven eigenmodes excited by external antenna and by
fast ions, L. Chen, W. Deng, Z. Lin, D. Spong, G. Y. Sun, X.
Wang, X. Q. Xu, H. S. Zhang, W. L. Zhang, A. Bierwage, S. Briguglio, I. Holod,
G. Vlad, Y. Xiao, F. Zonca, ibid, Paper
Size Scaling and Nondiffusive
Features of Electron Heat Transport in Multi-Scale Turbulence, Z. Lin, Y. Xiao,
W. J. Deng, I. Holod, C. Kamath, S. Klasky, Z. X. Wang, H. S. Zhang, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-180/THC/P4-17.
Particle Simulation of Microturbulence in Tokamak Plasmas, I. Holod, D.
Fulton, and Z. Lin, in Proceedings of the 24th International
Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (San Diego,
2012) (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2012). Paper IAEA-CN-197/TH/P7-03.
Localization of Alfven Eigenmodes and Zonal Field Generation, Z. Lin, Z. X.
Wang, H. S. Zhang, W. J. Deng, W. W. Heidbrink, Benjamin Tobias, Michael Van
Zeeland, M. E. Austin, I. Holod, J. McClenaghan, Y. Xiao, W. L. Zhang, and
SciDAC GSEP Center, in Proceedings of the
25th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled
Nuclear Fusion Research (St. Petersburg, 2014) (International Atomic Energy
Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2014). Paper IAEA-CN-221/TH/7-2.
Particle Simulation of Radio Frequency Waves in Fusion
Plasmas, Animesh Kuley, Jian Bao, Zhixuan Wang, Zhihong Lin,
Zhixin Lu, and Frank Wessel, ibid, Paper
Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of Electromagnetic
Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas, I. Holod, D.
Fulton, J. McClenaghan, D. Liu and Z. Lin, ibid,
Paper IAEA-CN-221/TH/P4-11.
Electron Cyclotron Heating
Modification of Alfven Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D, M. A. Van
Zeeland, W. W. Heidbrink, S. E. Sharapov, D. Spong, A. Cappa, X. Chen, C.
Collins, M. Garcia-Munoz, N. N. Gorelenkov, G. J. Kramer, P. Lauber, Z. Lin and
C. Petty, in Proceedings of the 26th
International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion
Research (Kyoto, 2016) (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,
Austria, 2016). Paper IAEA-CN-234/ EX/P3-24.
Achievement of Field-Reversed
Configuration Plasma Sustainment via 10MW Neutral-Beam Injection on the C-2U
Device, H. Gota, M. Binderbauer, T. Tajima, S. Putvinski, M.
Tuszewski, D. Barnes, S. Dettrick, E. Garate, S. Korepanov, A. Smirnov, M. C.
Thompson, X. Yang, L. Schmitz, Z. Lin, A. A. Ivanov, and T. Asai, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-234/ EX/P3-41.
Gyrokinetic Simulations of
Microturbulence in DIII-D Pedestal, I. Holod, Z.
Lin, S. Taimourzadeh, R. Nazikian, and A. Wingen, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-234/ TH/P2-31.
Gyrokinetic Simulation of Tokamak
Edge Plasmas, Yong Xiao, Taige Zhang, Chen Zhao, and Zhihong Lin, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-234/TH/P2-32.
Nonlinear Interactions of
Low-Frequency Alfvén Eigenmodes, Z. Lin, Y. Q.
Liu, H. S. Zhang, and W. L. Zhang, ibid, Paper
Nonlinear Particle Simulation of
Radio Frequency Waves in Tokamak, J. Bao, A.
Kuley, X. Wei, Z. Lin, Y. Xiao, and W. L. Zhang, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-234/TH/P4-25.
Performance Portability of HPC
Discovery Science Software: Fusion Energy Turbulence Simulations at Extreme
Scale, William Tang, Bei Wang, Stephane Ethier, Zhihong
Lin, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations 4, 83 (2017).
Binderbauer, T. Tajima, S. Putvinski, M. Tuszewski, B.H. Deng, S. Dettrick, D.
Gupta, S. Korepanov, R. Magee, T. Roche, J. Romero, A. Smirnov, Y. Song, V.
Sokolov, L. Steinhauer, M.C. Thompson, E. Trask, A. Van Drie, X. Yang, P.
Yushmanov, K. Zhai and the TAE Team, L. Schmitz, Z. Lin, A.A. Ivanov, T. Asai,
in Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Plasma
Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Ahmedabad, 2018) (International
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2018). Paper IAEA-CN-258/OV/P-11.
Verification and Validation of
Integrated Simulation of Energetic Particles in Toroidal Plasmas, Z. Lin, J. Bao,
S. Taimourzadeh, G. Dong, Y. Q. Liu, R. C. He, Z. Liu, ibid, Paper
Roles of RMP-induced Changes of
Radial Electric Fields in ELM Suppression, L. Shi, S.
Taimourzadeh, I. Holod, Z. Lin, N. Ferraro, R. Nazikian, H. Y. Wang, J. Y. Fu, ibid,
Paper IAEA-CN-258/TH/P5-7.
J. Bao, Z. Lin, T. Tajima, L. Schmitz, and the TAE Team, ibid, Paper
Studies of Alfvén Eigenmodes on JET
with both experimental measurements with the AEAD and modeling with GTC, N. Fil1, M.
Porkolab, V. Aslanyan, P. Puglia, S. Dowson, M. Fitzgerald, S. E. Sharapov, H.
K. Sheikh, J. Bao, Z. Lin, P. Blanchard, A. Fasoli, D. Testa, J. Mailloux, M.
Tsalas, M. Maslov, A. Whitehead, R. Scannell, S. Gerasimov, S. Dorling, T.
Blackman, G. Jones, A. Goodyear, K. K. Kirov, R. Dumont, M. Podesta, and JET
Contributors, in Proceeding of the 46th European Physical Society
Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS 2019) (Milan, Italy, 2019), Paper P1.1095.
Data Management Challenges of
Exascale Scientific Simulations: A Case Study with the Gyrokinetic Toroidal
Code and ADIOS, Lipeng Wan, Kshitij V. Mehta, Scott A. Klasky,
Matthew Wolf, H. Y. Wang, W. H. Wang, J. C. Li, and Zhihong Lin, in proceedings
of 10th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM
2019) (Singapore, 2019).
47. Verification
and validation of particle simulation of turbulent transport in FRC, Z Lin, WH Wang, XS Wei, J Bao, GJ
Choi, S Dettrick, A Kuley, C Lau, PF Liu, T Tajima, in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (virtual event, 2021)
(International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2021), Paper
49. Overview
of C-2W: High Temperature, Steady-State Beam-Driven Field-Reversed
Configuration Plasmas, H. GOTA et al, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-286/IAC/1.
50. High-energy
fast ions drive BAEs unstable but not BAAEs, WW Heidbrink, MA
Van Zeeland, M Austin, A Bierwage, X Du, P Lauber, Z Lin, GJ Choi, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-286/EX/P1-12.
51. Experimental
and computational investigations of Alfvén Eigenmode stability in JET plasmas
through active antenna excitation, RA Tinguely, M
Porkolab, N Fil, P Puglia, V Aslanyan, D Borba, S Dowson, R Dumont, A Fasoli, M
Fitzgerald, Z Lin, SE Sharapov, D Testa, JET Contributors, ibid, Paper
52. Simulation
of Equilibrium, Stability, and Transport in Advanced FRCs, S.A. DETTRICK,
K. YAKYMENKO, P.N. YUSHMANOV, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-286/TH/P2-949.
53. Nonlinear
Dynamics of Frequency Oscillation of Alfvén Eigenmodes in Toroidal Plasmas, W. ZHANG, J.
CHENG, Z. LIN, D. LI, ibid, Paper
Nonlinear saturation of toroidal
Alfven eigenmode by zonal fields in DIII-D plasmas, J. BAO, W.
ZHANG, D. LI, Z. LIN, ibid, Paper
Linear Excitation and Nonlinear
Saturation of Low Frequency Alfven Eigenmodes in DIII-D, G.J. Choi, X.J.
Tang, H.Y. Wang, P. Liu, J.H. Nicolau, X. Wei, G. Brochard, G. Dong, J. Bao,
W.L. Zhang, T.S. Hahm, W.W. Heidbrink, and Z. Lin, ibid, Paper IAEA-CN-286/TH/P8-1349.
Global Gyrokinetic Particle
Simulations of Microturbulence in W7-X and LHD Stellarators, J.H. Nicolau,
H.Y. Wang, I. Holod, J.Y. Fu, J. Bao, G.J. Choi, Z. Lin, P. Liu, D. Spong, X.S.
Wei, and Y. Xiao, ibid, Paper
simulation of internal kink and fishbone instabilities: verification and validation
using DIII-D experiments, and prediction for ITER plasmas, G. Brochard, J.
Bao, C. Liu, N. Gorelenkov, G. Choi, G. Dong, P. Liu, J. Mc.Clenaghan, J. H.
Nicolau, F. Wang, W. H. Wang, X. Wei, W. L. Zhang, W. Heidbrink, J. P. Graves,
Z. Lin, H. Lutjens, in Proceeding of the 48th European Physical
Society Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS 2022) (online), Paper I4.105.
Prediction of
energetic particle confinement in ITER operation scenarios, Z. Lin, E. Bass, G. Brochard, Y. Ghai, N. Gorelenkov, M.
Idouakass, C. Liu, P. Liu, M. Podesta, D. Spong, X. Wei, W. Heidbrink, G.
McKee, R. Waltz, J. Bao, B. Cornille, V. Duarte, R. Falgout, M. Gorelenkova, T.
Hayward-Schneider, S. H. Kim, W. Joubert, S. Klasky, I. Lyngaas, K. Mehta, J.
Nicolau, S. D. Pinches, A. Polevoi, M. Schneider, G. Sitaraman, W. Tang, P.
Wang, S. Williams, in Proceedings of the 29th International
Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (London,
2023) (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2023), Paper
MICROTURBULENCE IN KSTAR PLASMAS, G.J. Choi, S.J. Park, T.S. Hahm, Y.-S. Na, J. Kang, J. Kim, J.M. Kwon,
T. Rhee, X.S. Wei, P. Liu, Z. Lin, in Proceedings of the 29th
International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion
Research (London, 2023) (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria,
2023), Paper IAEA-CN/TH2-2490.
Book Chapters,
Peer- Reviewed
Global Gyrokinetic Particle-in-Cell Simulation, William Tang and
Zhihong Lin, in Exascale
Scientific Applications: Scalability and Performance Portability,
Edited by T. P. Straatsma, K. B. Antypas, T. J. Williams, CRC Press, 2018. (ISBN 9781138197541)
Accelerator Programming Using Directives, Edited by Sunita
Chandrasekaran, Guido Juckeland, and Sandra Wienke, Springer, 2019, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (5th International Workshop, WACCPD 2018,
Dallas, TX, USA, November 11–17, 2018 Proceedings).
Other GTC
Parallel Algebraic Multigrid Methods in Gyrokinetic
Turbulence Simulations, M. F. Adams and Y. Nishimura, Commun. Comput. Phys. 2,
881 (2007).
Excitation of low-n toroidicity induced Alfvén
eigenmodes by energetic particles in global gyrokinetic tokamak plasmas, Y. Nishimura, Phys. Plasmas 16, 030702 (2009).
Parallel equilibrium current effect on existence of
reversed shear Alfven eigenmodes, Hua-sheng Xie and Yong Xiao, Phys. Plasmas 22, 022518 (2015).
Unconventional ballooning structures for toroidal drift
Hua-sheng Xie and Yong Xiao, Phys.
Plasmas 22, 090703 (2015).
Gyrokinetic simulation of dissipative trapped electron
mode in tokamak edge, C. Zhao, T. Zhang, Y. Xiao, Phys. Plasmas 24, 052509 (2017).
Parallel ion compressibility effects on kinetic ballooning
mode for different magnetic shears, Y. Li and Y. Xiao, Phys. Plasmas 24, 081202 (2017).
Global linear gyrokinetic simulation of energetic
particle- energetic particle-driven instabilities in the LHD stellarator, D.A. Spong, I.
Holod, Y. Todo and M. Osakabe, Nuclear
Fusion 57, 086018 (2017).
Gyrokinetic particle simulation of electrostatic
microturbulence with impurity ions, Xishuo Wei, Hongwei Yang, Shengming Li,
and Yong Xiao, Phys. Plasmas 25, 082508 (2018).
Loss of bootstrap current in vicinity of magnetic islands, Feng Wang,
Jiquan Li, Hongpeng Qu, Xiaodong Peng, Yong Xiao, Phys. Plasmas 26, 052516
Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent transport for I-mode
edge plasmas,
Hongwei Yang, Tianchun Zhou, and Yong Xiao, Nuclear
Fusion 61 056006 (2021).
Elongation effect on beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode, Gengxian Li,
Yueyan Li and Yong Xiao, Nuclear Fusion
63, 016009 (2023).
Solving Poisson equation with slowing-down equilibrium
distribution for global gyrokinetic simulation, Qi ZHONG and
Yong XIAO, Plasma Sci. Technol. 25, 025101 (2023).